Emergency Hotline: 07947475147 ✆
Ambulance service, avian specialist: 07909795064 ✆
Genral Question or worried: 07909795064

Racing Pigeon

All racing pigeons carry a hard plastic ring on their leg which identifies its owner. The first few letters on the ring indicates the issuing organisation, the next two numbers identify its year of birth, the remaining letter and numbers identify its registered owner.
A racing pigeon may carry two rings one on each leg. One will either be a rubber band ring or an ETS tag, chip ring. These are only used for racing purposes. 

The first thing you should do is catch the Pigeon keep it in ur house for atleast 3-5 days let it recover provide Wild Bird Seeds and water so it can stay hydrated after you finish handling the bird for 3-5 days and it has recoverd please realese it where you have found it.

If you found a sick or injured Racing Pigeon the best thing you can do is contact us or a wildlife rescue that will rescue Pigeon's. 

Fact- Sometimes owners might kill thier Racing Pigeon's , if you really want the bird to be safe take it to a wildlife sanctuary or call us for advice and information, if you love the Racing Pigeon and you can handle it yourself and can keep it.

Racing Pigeon